Some of the Feedback on Hugi 25

From Orange Juice:

14:34 today's coding articles are about flash - how lame (

14:46 do nothing - then you get no complaints (

I only wished that scenegroups had some newbiedepartments...
It would be the best way to learn...

(amd from Estonia)

the same bullshit you always love to read.. hugi is simply the best demoscene diskmag! btw, long life to the living-dead portugusese scene! :)

hybrid-2k / uva

Well, I just wanna thank you for gathering so much great scene related stuff. It's always interesting to read and I had much fun with many articles. Good Luck for every issue of Hugi,


and again hugi is great! the 25th number was ahh so kewl - lot's of inteviews, nice gfx...
but hey, adok, imho there is still no scene spirit in hugi as in oldie mags on c64 or even first mags on pc and must be on amiga. ahm, but still nice to read. tnx!

p.s. if it's possible - get more kewl tracks for hugi, and more _smaller_ tracks ;] chiptunes is just what you need! and one more ask: can you (or smbd else) make an interview with NAGZ/Analogic? He's very interesting person and, haha;), also you can get from him VERY nice tunes for hugi i think.

Good luck, hugi ;]

kreestaj [Hi kreestaj, we've already had an interview with Nagz in Hugi 24! //Adok]

Dear Adok/Hugi:

She found the hidden part! My 20-month-old daughter Sophia Palozzi found the hidden part during one of her hacking sessions. Here is a taste of what she can do:

     v  vvvv   vnn                             nvvvvvvvvvvvv   nnnnnnnnnvvv
nnn   k          g vvgg gd

Just imagine in a few years what she will be capable of!!

Leonardo Palozzi

Hi there,

Having just read the new Hugi issue, I feel urged to send my thoughts about it as well as congratulate its authors. I'm happy about being able to read a new mag as they´ve gotten rare these days...

OK, so much about the prelude, let´s get on with the comments =)

The demoscene section lacks interesting articles, but it is pleasing to see that at least someone was able to write a 0a000h report (I wasn´t, duh...)

The tutorial sections contain mostly basic stuff (and a flash tutorial I´m not interested in); however, the ideas about text editors and memory management is a nice snack for a coder ;-)
Iliks description of the fp number drawbacks is welcome for the large mass of intermediate programmers who still believe that fp math is more precise than integer math. However, it would have been better to explain the cause of the problems in a more detailed way rather than just giving examples - anyone who is not willing to use his brain following such explanations isn´t a coder anyway. Finally, just saying that subtractions and mixing big and small values is generally imprecise without describing the circumstances leading to the loss of precision is incorrect.
I´ve written a similar article covering other representations of numbers as well, but it is in German only... (published in WildMag5) :-/

"Literature" - this section was the one I enjoyed most, as I liked all 4 short stories very much. "The Weaver" reminds me of stories which could be found in Hugi some years ago, while "The fly" and "Sniper" both contain quite a lot of atmosphere. And "God lives in a glass orb" is a weird and refreshing piece of imagination...

"The Real World" isn´t that interesting (less than the "real world" really is...), but this is also caused by the fact that I already knew most of the funny facts :(
Daddy´s dating rules were worth some laughs, although not having that much to do with the real world anyway.

The intro picture is pretty much the style I like, the same goes for the end pic (which suffers a lot from JPEG compression, though).
Can´t say the same about the text background and the music, but they are not important anyway.


The Hugi Magazine is great, but there are so few russian editions :( I hope there will be more russian editions in the future. And I hope that I'll become a demo coder in the future and I'll visit a real demoparty some day (it will be a great day). And I think there must be more articles for very beginners about the basic simple effects creation. I hope you will do this in the near future. Thanks again for the great magazine.


I honestly thank you at Hugi for making this demomag strive. It is as much a work of art as it is an informational electronic medium. =)

sg / blacknike

Thank you for providing one of the best diskmags ever.

Maxwell / AAbs

Hugi is one of the greatest zines. I appreciate especially technical articles for coders and, on the other side, movie reviews. Just keep going like this guys!

rusty / the grid

Hugi is great. Nothing more 2 say. Great.

tAx / LSD

I really like Hugi. It is thanks to it that I can remember how the scene has been and where it is heading towards.

Keep up with the good work !!


Hi, I'm from way down in Australia so I'm pretty much cut off from demoscene parties, I collect Hugi for all the programming and graphics articles which are really good.


Thanks for a _great_ mag! I love the way it welcomes beginners to the scene! :)


Hugi is a great source for the non-active demosceners around. Hugi is excellent material to show the people around the world what the demoscene is about and what is happening at the moment.

Prodigy Sandy

A really good thing the scene has Hugi since the end of the Imphobia diskmag!

Nomax / Made of dreams

Demos =  great
Scene != mainstream acceptance

But that's why they're great.


To Fellow Sceners:
According to popular belief, the scene has been dying ever since it started several years ago. Obviously, the natural deduction from such a statement is that it's really not dying...just evolving. Don't let such a belief be the cause of your contributions fading from the scene. Contribute what you can, and you can help shape the scene.

Coplan / Audic, SceneSpot

Thank you Hugi for all the content! It's a great mag!

Polaris / Northern Dragons